Saturday, October 4, 2008

Things you shouldn't do. . .

Reminder to all you readers out there:

Never text anything to anyone that could be mean about someone and then accidentally send it to the person you are talking about.

So. . . as in the previous post, Relationship 101, I mentioned that someone's girlfriend wasn't cute. She was in fact ugly. This would be the new girl that Dean is seeing.

Last night at happy hour, at the start of my first drink, I told my cousin that I needed to show her a picture of something. And she asked "of what??" and I said "well I don't want to tell you in front of all these people. I'll just text it to you." And text I did. To Dean. About his girlfriend.

Yeah. He called pretty upset last night and I had to lie and say that I wasn't talking about him. Which everyone felt that I needed to do was lie. It was a bad lie. Yes. But a lie that had to be done. I don't think we have to worry about us being friends anymore. I'm pretty sure we aren't friends. However, if I was dating someone that was ugly, and someone told me, I'd still be friends with them just. . . it would be awkward.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seeing as you showed me her picture, he definitely downgraded. But it's his loss. And he's an idiot. But I've told you that many times.

And Wine Rep is hot. I think you should just have "fun" with him.