Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Things not to give up for Lent. . .

Lent: A time (40 days) to give up something for the greater good to better yourself as Jesus bettered our lives as he died on the cross to save us from damnation.

I decided to give up reading Gossip magazines and Gossip columns. This is SUPER HARD for me people. SUPER HARD. "You're not even Catholic?" you say. I know. But we Lutherans also celebrate Lent and also have the option of giving something up. I'm trying to better myself and really try to not do the same thing year after year. I gave up fried foods two years ago. Last year, I can't remember what I gave up. It might have been not to get down on myself or something. I can't remember.

I didn't realize how much I read the gossip columns either. I must live on MSN Gossip or MSNBC Tabloid bits. Or how often when I'm in line at the store, flip through the mags. I've started talking to people in line at the store. Before other people would talk to me and I would look at them and smile and give them the look "Can't you see that I'm reading up on LiLo and really cannot be disturbed with you telling me your life story??" Now I'm saying things like, "Where'd you get that cheese?" or that "Looks like a wonderful supper." It's sad really. And probably very creepy that I have now resorted to checking out what complete strangers are buying. I mean, granted I was getting really fed up with hearing about Britney Spears, but still!! I've even convinced myself that I could read certain things like the report that Kirsten Dunst is in rehab. It's fact and not gossip so I could read that. And I saw the headline that said Paris Hilton's younger brother was arrested for DUI. I could read that, but I won't seeing as I detest anything that says Paris Hilton. I blame her for the fall of mankind. But that's an entirely different rant.

Anyone else having problems giving up their thing for Lent??

And completely hysterical: My friend Dan always asks me before he leaves his house to come pick me up before church "Are you ready to worship our Lord and Savior?" I don't know why it cracks me up but it does. And a couple of Sundays ago, Dean decided to stay in bed and Dan told me when I got back to ask him why he does not like Jesus. It was priceless.


Captain Crab said...

I always PLAN on giving something up, but then forget when Lent starts and what I was going to give up.

Idea #527 said...

Maybe you should give up forgetting things for Lent?? Like just write everything down? haha!!

Captain Crab said...

I have so many notes, that they all look the same to me!