Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Yeah. . . My niceness has kicked me in the arse. . . Part Two

Boatman came, he saw, he left very sad and probably cussing me out all the way home. . . and I feel absolutely horrible about it!!

I think what started to first annoy me was the fact that as he was driving he started making fun of the state I live in. Don't do that. I grew up in the state you are coming from I know why it has a lot more to offer, but it also has the 3rd largest city in the US, so it's going to have more things. Then he texted me to see if I was going to take him to the Beverage.* I wasn't sure what exactly he meant so I said "Beverage*?? And no. It sucks. It's for young girls who like to dress slutty except on Fridays for happy hour. " And he said one of the guys he works with was talking about it. This should have been a clue. You see, Beverage* was my ex douche bag, psychotic roommate's favorite bar. So I told him, my friends are out a some different places, so we'll see when you get here. (On a side note, like right after his text, I got a text from some friends to come up to Beverage* for Happy Hour. And I did. HAHA!! You can't beat free food and 1/2 price drinks people!) Anyway, I might have had like 3 double rum and diets while there and ate some food. So by the time I get home, I'm sleepy and need to clean. After I clean (not very well mind you b/c I had been drinking), I decide to lay on the couch and watch TV in which I became very sleepy. Then when he finally gets here at 10:30, and I'm tired and really don't want to do anything. I was lucky that he didn't want to do anything either!! Friday night I did get out of having to sleep in the same bed with him seeing as he snores. . . and really I can't sleep when that happens! haha!!

So Saturday morning the day started off with us going to go to the the Farmer's Market. But you know what?? He's never heard of a Farmer's Market and apparently they don't have them in Chicagoland. Yeah. . . Pretty sure they do. And I found out he doesn't eat breakfast. I could eat breakfast for every meal of the day. Literally. He did enjoy the Farmer's Market though which was good. We went to one of my favorite places that also happens to be a bar that serves really good food and sat outside. This, however, was a sneaky plan on my part because A) my friend Jamie met us out and B) we started drinking at 2pm. So then around 3:30 my other friends Jamie and Tim met us out and then we just basically kept drinking until about 12 or 1am. I was not near as drunk as everyone else seeing as I paced myself the entire day/night so I could drive and be on the best defense. :) But really basically the jist of Saturday was that this man made fun of the state I lived in, yet I found out did not even experience the things that made the city he lives near so great. So why on earth are you mocking my city??? It just really upset me. Plus the fact that he seems to live in his own little bubble and chooses not to experience life.

Anyway, Saturday night we get home and decide to finish watching the movie we started on Friday night, House of Wax. Now, the only thing that made this movie great was that Paris Hilton dies. The woman cannot act to save her life, and I'm actually very sad that she wasn't the first person to die. Anyways, so please picture with me if you will, two people sitting and watching a horror movie on the couch. Then he turns to me and says, "so you want to kiss?" Now a number of things are running through my head at this point.

1) I've really been dreading this all night and have been trying to figure out what to say in case this moment came up.

2) He's a horrible kisser. I remember this from the last time which I have regretted ever since.

3) This is probably the perfect moment for me to tell him that he annoys me and I'm not the least bit attracted to him.

4) What kind of line is that anyway?!? I mean I could see if we were watching something funny and something like that came up on the TV or somethhing. And it was like the perfect moment to say a cheesy line such as that. But no. We're watching a horror movie (a slightly cheesy one but still) and in the middle of someone's death scene you ask me that?!?

It is at this point in time that I tell him it wouldn't be a good idea. When he asks why I simply state that I would hate to do anything with you because I don't want to lead you on. And when he asks what do you mean I simply state that I told you that I didn't think I wanted a long distance relationship and I'm pretty sure now that I don't. And then after discussing things over and over again he keeps telling me that having someone live close is ideal. IDEAL to have someone live like an hour and a half away. Right then I realize he doesn't use common sense or judgement and that reality is not a world he sometimes lives in. So I still chicken out of course and never say it's really him except I do add in there that he's not one to change persay and that would be a problem with the whole distance thing.

And I did tell him in an email 2 weeks before he came that I wasn't sure how I felt and I didn't think I wanted a long distance relationship. So he should have had some inkling. Well he says he knew this was going to happen anyway yet he still came here to see me. And as he's telling me he doesn't want to be my friend "because he has enough friends" he basically says that he knew the minute I sat down by him on the couch at the hotel after the reception that we just clicked and that he could tell how wonderul and great I was. I, of course, respond with a thank you. And he says, "Didn't you feel it?? It was so strong!" To which I reply, "No. I wasn't feeling much of anything to be honest. I had just been molested/groped by my friend's husband, so that's pretty much what I was feeling." (I do realize I may or may not be going to hell. But it was the truth.) To which he replies, "So the only reason you sat by me on the couch was to get away from your friend's husband?" Me: "Yes." He then tells me that he thought we had something great and that since he has enough friends I was more someone he was looking to marry. We've known eachother for maybe 2 months, hung out twice (3 times if you count the 20 minutes sitting by him on the couch) and he thought he was going to marry me and we weren't even dating. That's just nuts!!!

Basically he then turns into a complete baby about everything which I can kind of see because he probably drove all the way here to get some from me. (No one should expect that though!)But seriously, when someone sends you an email telling you, they're not sure how they feel and you respond that you feel the same way, shouldn't you at least have an inkling?? He acts as though my response came out of nowhere. So as I am somewhat honest and say I wasn't sure. . . He's completely sure he wants to marry me. This is not the same thing. He should have known.

I still feel bad about it. Almost. I know I should have told him before he drove all this way, yes, but I did honestly think that maybe, JUST MAYBE, perhaps something would happen. But really what happened was that he annoyed me completely and I found him to be a spoiled brat and a big baby. And I still felt no attraction towards him. I guess it's a learning experience for the future. And I can pretty much tell my mom "I told you so" which is always nice.

So now back to the dating game. . . .

*This name has been changed to pretty much try and protect my whereabouts in case someone stumbles across this and realizes I am actually talking about them. I do know at the moment the 4 people who read this blog, know who I am and where I live, but you never know when celebrity might strike!

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